WestJett goes over KSIolajidebt (KSI) shameless antics regarding hiding behind his label as the whole internet continues to unanimously hate his new "hit single" Thick of It (with …
WILD & SHOCKING: Chinese Citizens Turn Vehicles Into Weapons of Rampage
At around 8pm on November 11, at the Zhuhai Sports Center in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, an off-road vehicle suddenly rushed at a high speed onto the track of the …
The Idle Mind is the Devil's workshop...So they say.
However, there are MANY MANY MANY People with Idle Minds, just sitting or lying down, scrolling up and down, looking for Idols to Follow and Worship....USE LESS Generation
My long-awaited 2024 Ukraine update. It's not just Ukraine at stake anymore, but also the international rules-based world order. Also if you're American, please vote Joe Biden.
4 weeks, 1 day ago
ศ. 20th ธันวาคม 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Use Less People will always be the Majority...😀😀😁😁🙄🙄🙄🙄
Hawk Tuah Girl Finally Got SUED
"The Hawk Tuah Girl" real name Hailey Welch had found success after becoming a popular meme. She launched a podcast and landed some major brand deals. …
In "David Crowe - Crooked Finger," the Seattle-based comedian takes to the stage at the iconic Triple Door Theater for an unforgettable night of laughter. Recorded in the heart of downtown Seattle, this …
When you support Russia, you support China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other Dick Head Terrorists and when you support the other side (the Collective West), you are also supporting Terrorists!
They don't care, they have enough money and resources, so the rest of the people can go fuck themselves.....ALL Governments are Terrorists...ALL OF THEM
"Don't Even Think About Testing NATO Article 5” Germany Warns Russia As Brigade Troops In Lithuania …
You don't want to be like any one of them, they have no Talent, no ideas, they are not productive to the society but what do I know, the world is filled with stupidity...