India is not a person, India is a country and countries cannot fail the youths, it is the USE LESS People inside the country that has failed the Youth.
How India (GOVERNMENT) Is Failing Its Educated Youth
China Hits Stagnation! Seven Signs Show Society and Economy Entering Major Upheaval
Recently, some commentators have noted that a major shift is taking place in China’s society and economy. The entire society is now entering what some call the "five-lows" era: …
Top doctor encourages vaccination as BC hospitals see uptick in respiratory patients | FULL
British Columbia’s top doctor and health minister are encouraging the public to get an updated COVID-19 and influenza vaccine as clinics and hospitals across …
Calm down, it's just a 3 days Military Operation just as they said the Lock Down will only last for 2 weeks...Yeah, People are that STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID and ALL Governments are TERRORRRRRRRRRRISTS
We Need to Talk About These “Peaceful” College Protests…
Pro-Palestine protests at ivy league schools like Columbia University definitely aren’t grappling with an antisemitism problem. But don’t worry! The Squad says they’re “mostly peaceful” protests! Hm… Where have I heard that …
An eye for an Eye is the only solution to conflicts...
Fleeing Kursk | Between Us
Tens of thousands have fled Russia's Kursk region since Ukraine's surprise incursion. Correspondent Dorsa Jabbari takes us through the lives of Russians at an …
After The MAN gave them their Freedom, this is the BEST they can come up with? And they wonder why Black Lives in America will NEVER Matter....Use Less Niggeerrrsss....🙄🙄🙄
Busta Rhymes Holds Back Tears After Lil Wayne Is Inducted To …
Worst Floods in China 2023: Railways, Bridges, Roads All Destroyed. China’s Tragedy Continues...
Insiders have revealed that the devastation across Heilongjiang province was even more severe than in Zhuozhou County. To prevent the truth from leaking out, the government restricted …