Uprising Begins for 13 Million Chinese Deliverers! No Income, Fines, and Kneeling
The delivery worker then took his phone back, after which the officer walked over to his e-bike and removed the keys, apparently intending to confiscate it.
EX Satanist Reveals Why She Regrets Worshipping Satan
In this Truth talk episode, we will be talking about an EX Satanist who Explains Why She Regrets Joining A Cult. Thank you for joining me for this truth talk episode.
Use Less Niggers, Stupid Ignorant Use Less Niggers, doing exactly what their SLAVE MASTERS Ordered...Keep Killing Each Other while the White Man RULE Over You Dumb Niggers...😂😂🙄🙄🙄🤡🤡
Dr. Umar Responds To DL Hughley Insulting Him: "We Can Debate At Your …
The two ways Ukraine is pushing Putin’s red lines to the limit | Defence in Depth
Many western allies are so fearful of how Russia could respond to an escalation with Ukraine that they won’t allow certain donated weapon systems to be used …