In April 1945, as Stalin's Red Army approach from the East and the Western Allied forces quickly approach through France and Belgium, Adolf Hitler awaits his fate in his bunker, reflecting on the mistakes that lost …
Recently IRL Streamer Jack Doherty has been in the news after he crashed his mcclaren, leaving him in a dramatic situation due to the state of his filmer. Now …
Imagine if all the White Immigrants who migrated to South Africa, America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other nations where KILLED by the locals? Just imagine it. 🙄🙄🙄
Inside the Country that KILLS Illegal Immigrants...
-- In a painful interview meant to promote his new cryptocurrency, Donald Trump is so confused about what crypto is that he desperately tries to change the subject
US to Approve ATACMS Strikes Inside Russia for Ukraine
The United States tomorrow is going to announce that the use of donated long range ATACMS and Storm Shadows will be permitted on the territory of Russia. This will be a direct …