There is Absolutely no difference between AMERICA, U.K, EU and RUSSIA. As a Black Man and a Minority (according to them), THEY ARE ALL TERRORISTS to we.
Actually, there is no difference between the naZis and Dumbmasons, sorry, Freemasons. According to History, the naZis are an independent branch of the Dumbmasons, sorry, Freemasons, it's like Light and Darkness, Light came out of the Darkness and now, light and …
It will cost only $44B to Feed ALL the Hungry people in this world...Something to think about while you keep supporting USELESS Governments, Politicians, Cooperations, Millionaires and Billionaires...
Debt Woes Hit Shanghai: $87B Mega-Project Suddenly Comes To A Halt!
At first glance, Iran looks pretty powerful. But looking under the surface, Iran isn't as strong as it appears, with poor economy prospects, less-than-popular regime, and a succession crisis looming. In this video, …