He (just like Elon, Mark and the rest), ALL Grew up Rich, in a Rich Home. They NEVER work a day in their life...Poor People don't have garages or parents to LOAN them start up money 🙄🙄🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂
Neapolitan CRUDView in Django (with django-crispy-forms and TailwindCSS integration)
This video looks at the Neapolitan package in the Django ecosystems that allows developers to quickly create full CRUD views around models in their applications
China Miscalculated. And It's Regretting It's Mistake
China thought it had a winning hand. In the end, it make a huge mistake. And no matter how much of a tantrum the Chinese Communist Party throws, things aren't going back to the …
Germany's Gamble: Why the Ostpolitik Putin Policy Backfired
After Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, Germany continued to follow an "ostpolitik" policy to increase economic integration with Russia. The theory was that …
Exclusive | Stories you didn't know about Taiwan earthquake; Humanity Shines VS Xi Runaway
New York, Taiwan, Japan, China. Big earthquakes are happening all over the world. Responses to major earthquakes have become a hot topic of discussion. Xi Jinping …