A bold, rural woman known as Sister Yu from Northeast China captivated short video platform audiences with scenes of rugged farm life. She was carrying half a pig, …
Let’s explore 25 crazy software bugs that changed the world. Including funny bugs like the Facetime Eavesdropping, mostly harmless bugs like the Morris Worm, and deadly bugs like Therac-25.
Thomas Dexter Jakes, better known as TD Jakes, went from a congregation of 10 parishioners to serving more than 30,000 members at his Potter’s House megachurches. With an empire …
The reason why I HATE Trump is the same reason why I HATE Elon Musk.....What is the reason? They are both CON MEN who will always PROMISE heaven and earth just to get what they want and they NEVER care about …
India Fully Boycotts China! Persistent Rise in Anti-’Made in China’
Since 2020, a wave of anti-China sentiment has emerged in India, leading to a significant aversion among Indians to Chinese-made products, a trend that …
US Due Diligence Firm Raided in Beijing | China In Focus
A top U.S. investigation firm has been raided in China. Due diligence company Mintz Group found itself raided and its staff seized by Chinese officials. The company has since …
China to Ban Nvidia? Joke! Taiwan Choke China: No Taiwanese Chips, No Weapons Production
Taiwan's TSMC, often referred to as the "guardian deity" of Taiwan, is a critical part of the "silicon shield" concept. In 2022, a Chinese economist with government …