5 months, 4 weeks ago
Tue 23rd July 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
You were born without electricity, you almost died as a baby, you grew up without basic provisions, you have no roof over your head, you go days without food or water, you have no bed to sleep on, all your life …
Five US banks went bust last year, which is actually not that far off from the average number of banks that fail in a given year. But that doesn't mean there …
Why Saudi Arabia’s Economy is Doing Worse than It Seems
In a bid to diversify their economy and influence, Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in multiple projects as part of the Vision 2030 initiative. But unfortunately for them, they aren't really …
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Sun 30th June 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Donald Trump: From Power to Prison
The turbulent journey of Donald Trump from the pinnacle of political power to facing potential prison time. The story begins on November 7, 2020, when Joe Biden was declared the 46th President of the United …
From being called out for involvement in crypto schemes, to having a complete meltdown after a horrible song release. It’s no wonder KSI’s online reputation has been a on …